5 Ways to Date When You are Busy?


5 Ways to Date When You are Busy?

We live in a busy world and it seems like there are not enough hours in the day  Usually the guys I’m into are always busy and I see that as an attractive quality. This shows that they are doing something with their life and won’t be waiting around to hang out with me 24/7. I don’t want a guy that can wait for me at home like a puppy dog while I’m out working and living life. We should both be working towards our goals. This can definitely put a strain on a relationship or even prevent a relationship from even beginning. These are a few ways to date when you’re busy.

Photo by BRUNO CERVERA on UnsplashPhoto by Form on Unsplash

1. Workout Together

I try to keep a steady workout plan and while I do enjoy working out alone I do think if I knew I would be spending time with a cutie at the gym I would be going more often. Working out with someone can keep you motivated, keep you in shape, and keep you together.

Photo by BRUNO CERVERA on Unsplash

2. Trivia/Karaoke Night

Just having one night out of the week where you have a little fun helps you not stress when you’re trying to survive your busy life. Attending a trivia night is a great way to see how much your partner knows. You’ll find out the crazy facts they know while sharing an appetizer. Karaoke is not for everyone, but if you enjoy singing like I do this is a great idea. Sing a song together or maybe dedicate a song to them. If you would like you could also use this night to make some time for your friends as well.

Photo by Matthieu Joannon on Unsplash

3. Grab Lunch

If you pack your lunch or usually eat your lunch at your desk consider switching it up. Meet that special guy/girl for lunch. If you guys work in the same area just meet in the middle and hang out.

Photo by Analia Baggiano on Unsplash

4. Make Time

If you’re really into someone you make time for them. Compare each other’s schedule and see where you can fit each other in. I always tried to make excuse for guys that seemed to lways be too busy for me. I have learned that if someone isn’t willing to make time for you they aren’t worth your time.

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