4 Reasons Why You Should Enjoy Being Single

Dating Self Care

4 Reasons Why You Should Enjoy Being Single

I’m at the point in my life where I’ve accepted my singledom. This is not a bad place to be. However, it isn’t my favorite place to be. I’ve basically been single my entire life. I haven’t had a “boyfriend” at all. I’m hoping this streak doesn’t last forever but I do have a good handle on and an appreciation of the plus sides to being single. It’ll be interesting to see what happens when I have to make a choice about giving up:


I don’t have to check in with anybody. I can go wherever I want to go whenever I want. I love that freedom! I am also completely comfortable doing things with me. I go to a movie or order a meal at Panera Bread and get some work done. I don’t reject company. Having someone along is always great too 🙂


Let’s be honest it’s super fun to flirt. And I love the excitement when taking that risk. I love flirting with a cute guy at the bar or even giving my number to a hot guy I see at court (true story lol don’t worry we were there for traffic tickets).


I have definitely cried over boys that I thought I would date but I’ve never gotten to the point where I was in love with one. Although I know with love comes risk, and I have had heartaches, but I am fortunate not to have had my heart broken.


Being single I can just focus on me and my well being. Swiping on tinder has definitely helped with the confidence, but that is never enough. While also growing and working on myself, I have gained confidence and comfort with myself. I was not always confident but now I definitely am more confident with my body, my thoughts, and my abilities. Of course, I have insecure moments but everyone does.

If you are single now, I suggest you look at the positives and enjoy it until that special person comes along. Even though I am dating along my journey, I’m not doing this to run away from my singledom, but to have experiences and meet new people with the hopes of possibly finding someone.

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